Sunday, December 7, 2008

War Child Movie - Emmanuel Jal

The War Child Movie - www.warchildmovie.comHttp://

There is a new documentary out on rapper Emmanuel Jal called "War Child" that looks like something I would very much like to see. An album, also titled "War Child" will come out in the Spring. Emmanuel Jal is a former child soldier from southern Sudan. I don't know much about him except what I have read in some articles (see below) but I would like to hear his story of peace and healing. He escaped Sudan and became one of Sudan's Lost Boys and was then rescued by an British aid worker who tragically died in an automobile accident 8 months later. His friends collected money to keep him in boarding school. He has a an earlier album "Cease Fire" in different African languages.

My sister's family took in four of Sudan's Lost Boys a few years back and I find their stories compelling as well as the stories of Lost Boys like Lopez Lomong who ran the 1500 meters in the Seoul Olympics for the USA as well as carried the American flag in the opening ceremonies. Their stories are hard to believe and this story has a another horrific spin as Emmanuel was a child warrior before escaping Sudan. I am sure his story and life need to be listened to.

From the Washington Post:
Emmanuel Jal: A Child Of War, a Voice of Peace
A Sudanese 'Lost Boy' Hopes to Sing Away the Pain

From Newsweek:
From Sudan Child Soldier to Hip Hop Star

Here are some interesting quotes from and interview in "Church Times"

"Music itself is innocent; sound is innocent. God created music for us to worship him, and to enjoy. You have to ask, what are the words dedicated to?"

Most of my writing happens like this: the tune comes first, and the lyrics come later. Mostly it is inspired by horrific events, but I transform the energy into something positive. I’m a Christian and inspired by faith. I keep my faith to myself and get on with my work, but if people see how I live, they may look at my actions and decide for themselves.

"Being a Christian is the easiest thing: Jesus died for you. The worst part is when you try to be religious. That is when you mess things up."

"If you listen to my album you will be shocked: there’s a message there, and it’s a true story I am writing about. But there’s a song “The Shadow of Death”, which uses the Bible, “Though I walk through the shadow of death. . .”, that’s more encouraging.

I like the verse: “To all who receive him and believe in his name, he gave the right to become God’s children.” I think that’s John 1.12."

"I pray: “God give me strength, God give me wisdom. What do I say? What do I tell them?” When you’re a musician, you’re a leader. In a way, you’re a preacher. I don’t know about being a pastor. It has to come from your heart — it has to be a calling — to be a pastor. It’s a big responsibility.

How many years would I be locked in this church? If I was locked in a church with God, all I would need is a Bible, a piano, a couple of guitars. When you’ve got music and instruments, you’d not go crazy. When you sing, you’d not go crazy. When you got out, perhaps you’d be a supernatural person."

Here is a trailer for War Child (warning: scenes of war and death can be graphic)

Here is the video for the song "War Child"

"I believe I've survived for a reason to tell my story to touch lives
I believe I've survived for a reason to tell my story to touch lives
all the people struggling down there
storms only come for a while
then after a while they'll be gone
blessed, blessed

my father was working for the government as a police man
few years later a hardy joined a rebel movement that was formed to fight for freedom
I didnt understand the politics behind all this 'cause I was only a child
after a while I saw the tension rising high between the Christian and the Muslim regime
we lost our possesion
my mothers, my mothers mothers suffered depression
and because of this...I was forced to be a war child

I'm a war child
I'm a war child
I believe I've survived for a reason to tell my story to touch lives (touch lives, touch lives, touch lives, touch lives, touch lives, touch lives, touch lives)

I lost my father in this battle
my brothers
all my life I've been hiding in the jungle
the pain I'm cutting is too much to handle
whose there to please to light my candle"

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